
“Shifobaxsh” ilmiy-ishlab chiqarish markazi mustaqillik yillarida

In the 70s of the last century, during the former union, the Department of Medicinal Plants was established under the control of the Forestry Committee of Uzbekistan. This department mainly prepares raw materials of medicinal plants growing naturally in the forest farms of the republic and supplies them to pharmaceutical factories and pharmacies.

At that time, based on the needs of the forestry pharmaceutical industry enterprises, there were several other types of medicinal plants, such as wild-growing namatak, zagoza, mythan, and omonkara, which were available on the lands of the Forest Fund. prepared from raw materials of plants and handed over to pharmaceutical factories for processing.

It is worth noting that, in order to prevent the depletion of natural reserves of wild medicinal plants, forest management staff and the staff of the Medicinal Plants Department will take turns picking the plants. however, as a result of continuous preparation of these plants, their natural reserves were inevitably reduced every year. In all places, those preparing medicinal plants did not fully know the biological properties of that plant, and as a result, the natural reserves of this or that medicinal plant were decreasing. Because in addition to forestry workers, several organizations were engaged in the preparation of medicinal plants, such as health pharmacies, training offices of trade organizations. Such a situation naturally led to the disappearance of medicinal plants in nature.

Taking into account the above circumstances, in the first period of independence of our republic, on December 31, 1991, on the basis of Decree 271 of the Cabinet of Ministers, the "Shifobakhsh" production association was established in the Forestry system, on the basis of the Department of Medicinal Plants. The purpose of this was to develop the cultivation of medicinal plants in our independent republic, to prepare as few wild plants as possible from nature, to grow more of them, and to create a raw material base of medicinal plants for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare enterprises.

When we plant and grow medicinal plants, first of all we protect them from disappearing in nature as a species, and secondly, not all medicinal plants used in the practice of medicine exist in our nature. We have to push. For this purpose, 6 specialized state forestry enterprises were established in our independent republic and are currently engaged in the cultivation of medicinal plants. These are named after Y. Okhunboboyev in Kuyichirchik district of Tashkent region, "Yakkabog" in Yakkabog district of Kashkadarya region, "Hisar" in Sariosia district of Surkhandarya region, named after A. Navoi in Karakol district of Bukhara region, named after Abu Ali ibn Sino from Pop district of Namangan region and Andijan. "Toshokhur" state forest farms in Kurgantepa district of the region, in addition, 18 state forest farms regularly operate with the preparation and cultivation of medicinal plants.

It is worth noting that, among the Commonwealth of Independent States, only our Republic has established state forestry farms specializing in the cultivation and preparation of medicinal plants and the "Shifobakhsh" research and development center, which is also lsa is a proof of the attention paid by the leadership of our Republic to the further development of the cultivation of medicinal plants.

If, before independence, 100-150 tons of raw materials of 5-6 types of naturally growing medicinal plants were prepared annually in our republic, after independence, more than 300 tons of raw materials of medicinal plants were produced annually. is being prepared, 80% of the amount of raw medicinal plants being prepared is accounted for by cultivated medicinal plants. Currently, 22 types of medicinal plants are planted - calendula, chamomile, nematok, pol-pola, bojmodaron, lion's tail, mackai sano, dalachoe, valerian, oak, ovum, nematok, totum, echinacea and several others. .

Cultivated areas of medicinal plants are expanding, more than 100-150 hectares of annual and perennial medicinal plants are planted annually.

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 7, 2007 No. 186 "On measures to increase planting of Japanese safflower" and "chestnut" tree seedlings, seeds from these trees are grown in specialized forestry farms. 's were prepared and nurseries were established and new forests are being established from the cultivated seedlings.

Japanese safflower and chestnut are among the ornamental trees that make up the forest.